4 Easy Steps for Returns & Refunds

  • Contact us with your order details
  • Send us photos of Faulty or Damaged item(s)
  • We will ask you to send back or dispose of the item(s)
  • You get the refund after confirmation
T&Cs Apply


    Contact us within 14 days of receiving your order

    To be eligible for a return, please ensure the item is in its original condition, unworn or unused, and in its original packaging.

    While we take great care in packaging our products to ensure they arrive safely, we understand that damages can occasionally occur during transit. 

    Rest assured, we are committed to doing our best to prevent this from happening. 

    The item you receive is Faulty or Damaged

    If your product is confirmed by POP MART as faulty, incorrect, damaged, or not as described, we will offer a free return (or request that you dispose of it) and arrange a replacement or refund once we receive your confirmation.

    For returns, we will advise you on how to send the item back, and the shipping cost will be at our expense.

    Please kindly understand that we ONLY accept returns for the reason of FAULTY or DAMAGED.

    We will NOT accept returns for the following reasons:

    ✘Change of Mind 

    ✘Not getting your expected item for blind box products


    • This return policy only applies to purchases made on au.popmart.com
    • For more information on returns, please contact the original point of purchase for products bought at a POP MART physical store or from a third-party seller.
    • For purchases made at a POP MART Robo Shop, please submit the Robo Shop Help Form. Purchases must be accompanied by an original receipt as proof of purchase. 
    • Returns sent without prior approval will not be accepted. Please contact us and follow the provided instructions before returning your order. All return requests will be evaluated at POP MART’s sole discretion.
    • To be eligible for a return, the item must be in its original condition, unworn or unused, and in its original packaging.
    • To ensure a smooth exchange or return request, we advise that you video record yourself unboxing your order on the day you receive your package.